Sunday, March 30, 2014

Dear Valerie and David,

I probably arranged to have a copy of the"Memories of Britain Past" sent to you and then promptly forgot I had done so and had a second copy sent.The perils of old age. Give one away - Joy? - or anyone you think might enjoy it. Probably the kind of book just to be passed from person to person once read.

I really enjoyed reading the Bogarde book. A trifle sad. I will be interested to hear what you think of it. I like his style of writing.

I exchanged texts with Philip yesterday - not only has he lost a cat but he is not seeing Claire anymore. He said she just wanted someone to listen to her problems and entertain her daughter. Don't tell Philip I told you that. Let him volunteer that information to you when you eventually see him.

Weetabix is now in one of our super-markets. Did you see the report that they are ideal for carving out, concealing a cell-phone, and sending to prisoners in jail? I think it was in Daily Mail.

Weather here is slowly improving. TV just said 5 days in the 50s F this week. Celia is looking forward to hiking soon.

We enjoy the near daily CC fotos from Lucy and Graham though they mostly are of her eating! Would be great to get regularly ones from you even if just views of garden or something!! Makes one feel closer. I will try to send more of our life in Bennington.

Celia's work should be quietening down soon as the signup period for Healthcare end today - but we will have to wait and see. She has been working all hours!!

Emily can't wait to have the baby!! We had a nice dinner with Emily, Ben and Ben's parents in a French restaurant called "Chez Pierre" just south of where they live. The occasion was Ben's birthday which actually is today.

All for now!

Love Chris and Celia


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