Sunday, April 6, 2014

Dear Valerie and David,

Thanks for the photos – we are still waiting for Spring!! Yesterday afternoon we went to the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown to see the Met Opera videocast of “La Boheme”. The soprano due to sing the role of Mimi had not recovered from the flu so they arranged for the soprano who had sung “Butterfly” the evening before to sing Mimi with just a morning's rehearsal, costume fittings etc. Of course she had sung the role before but not at the Met. We both thought she did very well and agreed that it was the best “Boheme” we had ever seen.

Today, Sunday, we went for a drive as the sun was out and I took some photos with my tablet intending to send them to you. But they did not turn out very well. Not even the one of the large billy-goat standing in the middle of our road when we returned!! The farmers just keep goats, ducks and geese now. So you must make do with photos of my Thursday coffee mornintg(s) at the Dutch Bakery in Bennington. I go each Thursday with my friend Paul. The bakery is “Bakkerij Krijnen”. The pastries are excellent and I usually have a cheese croissant warmed up. Being Dutch they must of course have a bicyle outside the store with tulips (artificial for now) in the basket.

Then this evening as we ate dinner we watched a video (more a slideshow) from Youtube of the paintings of Lucien Pissarro – the son of Camille Pissarro) whose dates are 1863-1944. He moved to England in 1890 and painted Epping among other places and founded the Camden Town group of painters. We quite like his paintings. Then we watched an old move “Frieda” (1947 Ealing Studios) about an English airman returning from a German POW camp with a German wife and all the problems that caused. Mai Zetterling and Glynnis Johns were the stars. A very well written film that tackled a difficult subject. I researched the internet afterwards and discovered it started as a TV play 1946, then the film version 1947 and then another TV version with different cast 1948. Bit surprised that BBC was broadcasting TV plays in 1946.

All for now, love Celia and Chris

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